Source code for spammy.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: tasdik
# @Date:   2016-04-11 19:33:30
# @Last Modified by:   tasdik
# @Last Modified time: 2016-04-11 23:02:20
# @GPLv3 License
# @
# @

[docs]class SpammyError(Exception): """A Spammy related error""" def __call__(self, *args): return self.__class__(*(self.args + args))
SpammyException = SpammyError
[docs]class CorpusFileError(SpammyError): """ Raised when the one of the corpus files passed to the spammy ctor do not exist OR When we do not pass any file to the ctor for initialization """
CorpusError = CorpusFileError('Directory does not exist')
[docs]class LimitError(SpammyError): """ raised when the limit passed is either less than 0 """ pass